Let’s start with the ground rules: it’s entirely possible that someone has tweeted or written something about the Rangers and these free agents. It’s a big world and almost everyone has access to the internet now. We’re almost to the Infinite Monkeys At Infinite Typewriters point with sports rumors. Seriously, pick a name and there’s […]
Martin Perez and a lesson on how (not) to sit on a fence
The rain was absolutely tanking down outside, and a group of damp reporters sat in one of the offices at the Rangers’ Mercy Street complex as Jon Daniels broke the news in December that Martin Perez had broken his elbow at his ranch in Venezuela and that it was the fault of *deep breath* a […]
Just Dance, Dance, Dance: Alex Claudio does whatever he feels like he wants to do
It has been long enough by now that it’s okay to make Napoleon Dynamite references again. It’s retro now! Okay, okay. I know. The never-ending “Gosh!” quotes ruined it for you, me, and everyone else. But when I watch Alex Claudio pitch, I am sometimes reminded of one particular scene. For those of you who […]
The 1/18/18 Upset Update: Gallo’s optimism, DeShields’ swing, and a bunch of minor league stuff.
This is the 110th consecutive day without a Rangers game. In the meantime, the Cowboys have Zeke Suspension’d themselves into a comfy wide-screen view of the playoffs, the Stars are trying to stave off their Wild Card competition, and the Mavericks face-planted out of the gate and/but are now in danger of getting Rick Carlisle’d out […]
September’s Beltre and January’s Daniels discuss Adrian’s future with the Rangers
Last September, we were told about an upcoming conversation between Jon Daniels and Adrian Beltre in which the latter—just two years the junior of his employer—would seek assurance from the former that the Rangers would, in fact, not be going into “rebuild mode”. Such a conversation probably isn’t out of the norm. But for him […]
Did You—Yes, You—Break Austin Bibens-Dirkx?
Two things seem to happen every year: the first is that—once there is no reason to hide an injury report—a gaggle of injuries come to light. Mike Napoli’s leg, Rougned Odor’s ankle, and so on and so forth. This happens to every team in baseball, and probably every team in sports. The second seems to […]